Facility Hygiene Solutions Blog

A Simple Way To Keep Floors Clean This Winter.

Written by Adon Rigg | Dec 11, 2019 2:45:50 PM

How do you remove soils and residues left by snow, slush, ice melt, rock salt, and other winter residues?

One Product Does it All: Bufferall.

Bufferall is a unique formula blend that contains citric acid, capable of tackling the winter conditions mentioned above, as well as removing or neutralizing alkaline residues that remain after floor stripping. Use as your daily cleaner on floors to remove residues from ice melters, rock salt, slush and water films. Contains citric acid which is a mild acid capable of performing these functions without harsh acids, alkali or solvents often found in these types of products. Also designed for removing or neutralizing alkaline residues that remain on floors after chemical stripping.

  • Bufferall is void of harsh acids, alkali or solvents, it is mild enough to be used daily.
  • Its light acidic formula also makes it ideal for removing coffee, tea and other tannin-based stains on floors and even carpets when followed by extraction.
  • Bufferall is non-corrosive, non-abrasive and comes in concentrate form, which adds to its allure as a daily floor cleaning solution from both a budget and an environmental perspective.
  • And let’s not forget the bathroom where Bufferall shines all year by safely removing mineral and lime deposits and soap film from fixtures, windows, mirrors and any other washable surface, including stainless steel.

So go ahead, Join the chorus of “Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow” this winter, because you’ll have Bufferall to keep you floors beautiful and clean of all the harsh residues.

Contact Us for More Info or to Try Bufferall