Water Management Blog

A Quick Reference on How to Minimize Your Legionella Risk

Written by Amanda Fogarty | Jun 25, 2019 5:32:39 PM

Are you new to your building?

Do you have some legitimate concerns?


Are you not sure when your last cooling tower maintenance was; unfortunately your building’s water could be at risk for Legionella.

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) the number of Legionnaire cases in the United States have nearly increased four times since 2000.

Here are some suggestions to minimize your risk of Legionella :

  1. Partner with a trusted Water Treatment Company, like RMC.
  2. Follow all relevant laws, regulations and ordinances for your area.
  3. Establish a Water Management Program for your system.
  4. Properly and adequately train your on sight personnel.
  5. Apply the necessary control measures and limits to reduce hazardous conditions.
  6. Document all activities, which include items such as changes.
  7. Complete necessary corrective actions.
  8. Meet yearly to determine if any updates need to occur to your program.